
Prevention from Affiliate Traps

Affiliate Trap Detection

Affiliate traps are illegitimate techniques used by fraudsters to deceive advertisers and steal their marketing revenue.

The threat actors use traps to manipulate the advertisers, drive illegitimate traffic to their website, and earn an affiliate commission without contributing to sales. These traps are the source of making money for the malicious affiliates but adversely affect the brand image of the advertisers. Affiliate Traps destroy the customer's online journey and steal the advertiser's ROI.

Virus Positive Technologies brand protection solutions and Affiliate fraud detection services are helping global eCommerce companies recover 90% of their lost revenue and protect their brand’s image.

Anti Malware Research

Anti Malware Research

The VPT’s anti-malware research lab focuses on real-time monitoring and identifying malicious software for Windows & Mac Operating Systems. Our security researchers, malware hunters, data analysts, and software engineers work to provide a dynamic response to famous, new, and unknown threats affecting Windows and MAC systems.

We conduct security research, analyze malware and potentially unwanted apps, and collaborate with product developers to significantly enrich Windows & Mac protection.

The malware data is then shared with utility companies and anti-virus solutions companies and integrated with their tools to help protect the end customers.

Assessment Services

Technology Services

Our technology services provide specialized technology-oriented solutions by combining the processes and functions of Product development, QA engineering, Automation solutions, and Technical support.

Viruspositive Technologies delivers customized software solutions and automation tools to track, monitor, and analyze your affiliate networks. We understand that each business is unique, and we customize our solutions based on our client's needs.

Bring your ideas to life with our assessment services. Your business is unique. We tailor our services to treat it that way.

Affiliate Management Services

Affiliate Management Suite

VPT’s end-to-end affiliate management suite offers to monitor the affiliates in your network at different stages. With our expertise in affiliate marketing compliance, we track and monitor the promotional channels of your affiliates and ensure adherence to the external and internal marketing compliances.

We monitor the publisher data from the data sets captured using the analytical tools, establish benchmarks and identify trends that help understand the gaps to identify affiliate frauds.

Our solutions and services help brands keep track of their affiliate's performance and protect the brand image by ensuring compliance with guidelines.


Brand Protection Solutions

app2app Extension Analyzer


App2App is a tool that produces a quantified risk score for extensions based on several factors, including permissions, third-party JavaScript Libraries, weak content security policies, etc. Get insights on the ad injections through coupon and price-comparison extensions that show up on your shoppers devices impacting your customers online journey.
Affitraps - Affiliate Traps Tracker


An automated platform build using AI algorithms to continuously monitor the traffic coming to your website through various digital channels. Get detailed analysis of the user traffic driven by your affiliates.
The Paid Click Monitoring tool

The Paid Click

Get the most returns on your paid search advertising by monitoring your paid advertisements. Our tool gives you analytical insights on your branded keyword promotions and protects your affiliate network from being infected with unwanted ad placements.

Discuss Your Brand Protection Needs

We are helping our clients all over the globe to win back more than 90% of their stolen advertising revenues. What are you waiting for? Secure your brand reputation and maximize your advertising roi with our customized.