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Affiliate Trap Detection

Affiliate Traps destroy the customer journey and steal the advertisers ROI. Protect your brand reputation, monitor your advertising budget and safeguard your users buying journey!!


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Cookie Stuffing

Cookie stuffing is an illegitimate technique where the affiliates drop multiple cookies on a user's browser through adwares, intending to monetize the sales happening from that browser. Protect your marketing budget with our affiliate monitoring services.

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Prevent Cookie Hijacking from VPT Services

Cookie Hijacking

Cookie hijacking is the insertion of an affiliate cookie by distributing adware through web browser extensions or software applications. The publishers hijack the click elements on advertisers' websites. You can prevent customer journey hijacking with our affiliate monitoring services.

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Adware Round Tripping

The publishers steal legitimate buyers of a brand by navigating them to its website and directing them back to the advertiser page. The web browser extension, windows apps, or Mac dmg can monitor users browsing activity & distract them during their buying lifecycle.

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Typo-squatting, also known as URL hijacking, is a type of affiliate trap where domain registrars, ISP's, affiliates, and threat actors register domains similar to legitimate ones of targeted and trusted entities to earn commissions.

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Misleading Deals

It is a technique of drawing the buyer attention by showcasing deals and coupons with improper labelling and injecting affiliation to earn a commission.

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Paid Ads Violation

Malicious affiliates use brand keywords to display paid ads on search engines or consume the advertising budget of paid ads to get their ads on top of paid advertisements on any search result pages.

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Compliance and monitoring tools

Competitor Ads

It is an affiliate trap where malicious affiliates distract legitimate buyers on the advertiser's page by showing lucrative deals from competitors. Advertisers lose on brand reputation and brand revenues.

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Brand Infringement

To attract users, malicious publishers use the brand assets like the brand name, logo, or other creatives of established brands. They use the name of the brands to build their user base and earn the affiliate commission.

Sweep Stakes - this type of affiliate trap collect buyer's information through a campaign, contests, rewards

Sweep Stakes

The type of affiliate trap in which buyer information is collected through a campaign, offering a reward for the winning contestant. The malicious affiliates do not award but only collect user data for selling to the marketing companies.



The invisible element injected by web browser extensions or apps redirects the buyer to the product page that the buyer was not looking for at the first point.


Improper Influence

Publishers use the technique to deceive the users by redirecting them to the advertiser's page or a competitor's page without their knowledge and consent. This type of promotion directly hits the brand reputation and their customer experience.


Secure your Affiliate Network with us!

Are you using affiliate marketing to promote your brand? Sit back and let us guard your brand and customers. Virus Positive Technologies secures your Affiliate Network from all kinds of affiliate traps and protect your brand’s reputation by monitoring your digital advertising channels using brand compliance monitoring tools and brand protection solutions.
"Our team of technology enthusiasts excels in understanding your business needs and integrating our specialized automated solutions for protecting your affiliate network from frauds, consistently recovering your lost marketing revenue."

Discuss Your Brand Protection Needs

We are helping our clients all over the globe to win back more than 90% of their stolen advertising revenues. What are you waiting for? Secure your brand reputation and maximize your advertising roi with our customized.